3 days ago

Aetheryte Radio 305: Letter from the Producer LIVE LXXXV

Join us as we talk about the first wave of Live Letter information to release for Patch 7.2 Seekers of Eternity! Check out our Live Letter summary. Check out our Patreon here, featuring our new content: Dungeon Disaster! — Watch live on Saturdays!
5 days ago

Review: The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II

So as so often happens, it’s time for a confession first: I have never been a huge fan of the Trails series. I have been aware of it for a long time and I am glad that it has generally gotten more awareness in North America over the years, because it’s a big long-running franchise
5 days ago

Letter from the Producer Live Part LXXXV Summary

Final Fantasy XIV Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida took to the internets to broadcast the latest Letter from the Producer which gave us our first look at what we can expect with the next major path for Square Enix’s flagship MMO. Patch 7.2, Seekers of Eternity will arrive for Final Fantasy XIV sometime in late
1 week ago

Review: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

If you’re a regular here, you might be aware of my affinity for pirates, but my first love in life was actually medieval arms and armor (and fantasy games with a medieval setting), of which I also have a small collection. I had Kingdom Come: Deliverance come up in my Steam feed back when it
2 weeks ago

Aetheryte Radio 304: Let’s Catch Up

Join us for the first episode of the year as we're joined by Dr. Griswald and Liana for another walk down Mod Controversy Lane.
2 weeks ago

Review: Defender’s Quest II: Mists of Ruin

Many years ago, in 2012, there was a little-noticed game released titled Defender’s Quest. I certainly never would have noticed it myself if not for a confluence of events that wound up with me randomly playing the demo, but the fact that I did play the demo meant I absolutely fell head-over-heels in love with
2 weeks ago

Review: The Stone of Madness

The Stone of Madness. It’s an inarguably catchy title for one thing, but it also happens to be the latest release from developer The Game Kitchen and publisher Tripwire Presents that represents something of a switch-up for the former. Though The Game Kitchen may be known for the successful stamp its left on the metroidvania
2 weeks ago

Review: Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos

Many of us have irrational fears. For me, it’s birds. I’m convinced one day they will take over the world with their thin little legs and beady little eyes. In the world of Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos, you could say a similar concept comes to life, but instead of our beaky pals, it’s dog-looking slime
4 weeks ago


It’s weird to me how often I wind up reviewing not just visual novels, but visual novels that are specifically based on the idea of how technology interacts with people. This was never something I intended to have happen, but it has now become a running theme. Why? I don’t know. Sometimes things just happen.
4 weeks ago

Review: Dynasty Warriors: Origins

I’ve always considered myself a fan of Warriors games. One of my earliest reviews for this site was actually Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada back in 2017 and I’ve poured hundreds of hours into the various Warriors spin-off games… and yet somehow I’ve never played an actual full fledged Dynasty Warriors before. So of course
1 month ago

Gamer Escape’s Top 5 Reviewed Games of 2024

And once again, we find ourselves at the end of a year. Time to toss out the old calendar, pop a bottle of the sparkling beverage of your choice, and make some resolutions that you’ll inevitably drop within a month. But hey, I swear I’m totally going to start going to the gym once the
2 months ago

Review: Flint: Treasure of Oblivion

Yarrrr. I don’t know if it’s come out before, but I’m definitely a big pirate buff, both IRL and in media and games. Enough that I’ve spent…. way too much on my pirate garb and developing a pirate persona. And somewhat frustratingly, video games and pirates don’t cross paths as often as I’d like. Thus,
2 months ago

Quick Look: Mechwarrior 5 Clans: Trials of War DLC

Over this past year, I’ve done a fair bit of coverage for Mechwarrior 5: Clans. As someone who enjoyed the earlier games and the Battletech arcade pods back in the day, I was of course excited. So when they dropped some DLC, of course I had to check it out. I expected to check out the new modes, drum up a little hype, nothing much. Things… weren’t quite as simple as I’d planned.
2 months ago

Aetheryte Radio 303: Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) with Lythi

We're hanging out with Lythi to talk about the recent race to world first in Final Fantasy XIV!
2 months ago

Review Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Patch 7.1 Crossroads

With the events of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail now but a memory, Patch 7.1 Crossroads arrives to continue the story of Tural and Alexandria, while introducing tales from an altogether different world, Vana’diel with a brand new Alliance Raid. With the absence of a MSQ based trial, we’ve combined other combat elements into a new
2 months ago

Review: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind

If there’s a franchise that needs no introduction (but I’m gonna blather on about them anyway), it’s Power Rangers. Originally the brainchild of Haim Saban, he aimed at making an American adaptation of Toei’s Super Sentai series after finding himself exposed to a random episode of Choudenshi Bioman while in Japan back in the ’80s.
2 months ago

Preview: VOIN

From where I’m sitting, there can never be enough good action games to play. In recent years especially, it’s felt as though the months were marked by a consistent stream of stylish, challenging games that rewarded mechanical skill and scratch that itch for self improvement. Volgarr the Viking II and Kill Knight were two such
2 months ago

Aetheryte Radio 302: Patch 7.1 Review with Anwyll

It's patchin' time! -Oh, wait, no, we did that already. It's reviewin' time! We're sitting down with our review of Patch 7.1!
2 months ago

Hardware Review: Nacon RIG 600 PRO HS Acid Camo Headset

Fun little fact about me for you all – I’m something of a collector of cowboy boots. Just a random thing that started a few years back. But it’s starting to look like I may end up becoming a collector of gaming headsets, because I’ve been sent yet another one for you to check out!
2 months ago

Preview: Overthrown

Sometimes, it’s hard for me to know which parts of a game that don’t totally land in a preview are a result of the game still being in an early state and which parts are just conceptual issues. There are a lot of games that go into early access when they are more or less