9 Mar 2022

Sony’s State of Play Shows Latest Entry in Valkyrie Series and More

Sony’s latest State of Play showcase gave us a first look at several new games as well as an update coming for Housemarque’s Returnal. Titles from Square Enix ended up taking center-stage during the broadcast with four games from the Japanese publisher being shown.
4 Sep 2019

PAX West 2019 Hands-on: Indivisible

When I was a kid, I was really in to video games, and I used to spend a lot of time doodling out ideas for what I thought would be cool games (I was a nerd, don't judge me). One idea I remember clearly having was a cross between a JRPG and a side-scroller. The closest I've found in recent memory was the game Exist Archive, but my idea was one that had full platformer elements as well.