2 months ago

Quick Look: Mechwarrior 5 Clans: Trials of War DLC

Over this past year, I’ve done a fair bit of coverage for Mechwarrior 5: Clans. As someone who enjoyed the earlier games and the Battletech arcade pods back in the day, I was of course excited. So when they dropped some DLC, of course I had to check it out. I expected to check out the new modes, drum up a little hype, nothing much. Things… weren’t quite as simple as I’d planned.
4 months ago

Review: MechWarrior 5: Clans

It feels like this whole year MechWarrior has been on my mind, what with the interview back in April and then last month’s preview. What I had seen so far had me excited when we got our chance to cover the full game, but there was also a bit of trepidation as well. A lot
5 months ago

Review: Kill Knight

Kill Knight is a title that immediately jumped out at me when it came across my virtual desk. For the absolutely radical name, yes, but also for far more than that: the isometric viewpoint, the chunky original PlayStation-esque aesthetic, the apparent emphasis on tight mechanical execution and strict resource management… Everything about it screamed the
5 months ago

Preview: MechWarrior 5: Clans

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Piranha Games about the upcoming MechWarrior 5: Clans, and what I saw certainly drew my attention. I immediately wishlisted it as I awaited further news, and so when the opportunity to try a hands-on sneak peek popped up I had to hop
8 months ago

Hands On: Graven (PS5)

When most gamers think of fantasy games these days, many will default to either an MMORPG or some Soulslike on prevalence alone. Swords, sorcery, gunpowderless combat, and the associated vibes just fit in nicely with the genre. Fantasy can and will tumble into other gaming genres, but I’ll be the first to admit that first-person
11 months ago

Quick Look: MechWarrior 5: Clans

Last week we had the opportunity to sit down with Piranha Games, the developers behind the recent MechWarrior titles and talk with them about their upcoming game MechWarrior 5: Clans for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. At once something both new and familiar, MechWarrior 5: Clans builds on a lot of systems from the
1 year ago

Review: Roboquest

Sometimes my reviews require a fair number of caveats. That’s just good practice, in my mind. It’s a good thing to make it clear if you are predisposed to not particularly like a game or predisposed to like it, that sets out a baseline. If I say that I wasn’t really inclined to like something
1 year ago

Review: Gunbrella

Christopher Hastings created the character of Dr. McNinja when he just chose that as a forum user name on the Something Awful forums, and then he did art of the character stating that he was available for anyone who needed the services of a doctor or a ninja. Later, he had to give the character
26 May 2023

Preview: Starship Troopers: Extermination

You know, there was a time when it was a safe bet that the release of a licensed game from nearly any franchise would be met with skepticism. Call it a relic of decades past, but there are some that still vividly remember seeing a game from your favorite franchise turn out to be a
13 Feb 2023

Review: Fashion Police Squad

The interesting thing about the retro FPS revival that’s been happening over the past few years is that in many ways, it has already reached a point wherein you need to have a really strong hook to justify your place in the field. At first, it was just enough to offer a throwback from regenerating
11 Jul 2022

Review: Neon Blight

I do not, to this day, remember how I first learned about Recettear. But it remains, years later, one of my favorite games and an absolute delight to play through front-to-back. Sure, most of the characters were broad archetypes rather than being well-developed individuals with rich inner lives, and it was clearly a small title