30 Jun 2022

Review: Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

Despite what it may seem like, I am actually not an enormous Fire Emblem fan. I am, however, an absolutely unreserved massive fan of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. This isn’t to say that I traditionally have disliked Nintendo’s long-running second-party series of strategy RPGs, just that they have rarely risen above “well, that was fun
23 Mar 2020

Review: Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate

Ahh, Koei Tecmo’s Warriors franchise. Ever since Hyrule Warriors (my first Warriors game) I’ve had a bit of a soft spot for you. While you don’t change a whole lot from one iteration to the next (most of the time), you never fail to deliver a great way to kill a few hours bashing through
20 Mar 2019

Review: Fate/Extella Link

As we grow as human beings, our tastes change. It's an inevitable fact of life. Like, you suddenly start enjoying slow-paced ambient music despite being a metalhead through most of your youth, or you decide that mushrooms are in face the perfect pizza topping even though you hated them growing up.