2 months ago

Preview: Overthrown

Sometimes, it’s hard for me to know which parts of a game that don’t totally land in a preview are a result of the game still being in an early state and which parts are just conceptual issues. There are a lot of games that go into early access when they are more or less
8 months ago

Review: Until Then

Have you ever found yourself ugly crying after finishing a particularly emotional piece of media? If I’m being honest, there haven’t been a lot of those for me, but recently I was brought to that point by Polychroma Games’ Until Then.  Until Then is a 2-D interactive visual novel that centers around Mark, a boy
1 year ago

Preview: Until Then

Sometimes being a video game reviewer is pretty fun. I mean, no matter what the situation is, it’s a job; you are primarily judged by the quality of your work and your dedication to your craft. But sometimes you’re playing new games well before other people get to, and sometimes those games are just really