1 year ago

Aetheryte Radio 262: A Realm Reborn’s 10th Anniversary

That's right, Yoshi-P, we're calling you out! It's only A Realm Reborn's 10th Anniversary— and we wanted to share our fond memories with you!♥
1 year ago

For Final Fantasy XIV’s 10th Anniversary, One Player Created a 1.0 Archive

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and both Square Enix and the community have been looking back and celebrating the occasion. However, Final Fantasy XIV is actually older than that. Many players either will remember, or have heard about the initial 1.0 launch of Final Fantasy XIV. The original version
17 Feb 2020

Review: Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle

PlatinumGames – a name that has come to be associated with quality action games, occasionally known for their difficulty. Founded by some well-known developers formerly of Clover Studio, the company’s output has become a favorite of gamers from all walks of life.