AAC Light-heavyweight M1 is the first encounter of the first eight-man, normal raid content released with Patch 7.01 of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail. It’s available at level 100 after finishing the quest A New Challenger Appears and unlocked by the quest The Claw in the Dark. It can be completed via the duty finder with
The Strayborough Deadwalk is a Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Side Quest dungeon. It’s available at level 100 as part of the quest Something Stray in the Neighborhood. It can be completed via the duty finder and was part of the Patch 7.0 Expert Duty Roulette.
Tender Valley is a Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Side Quest dungeon. It’s available at level 100 as part of the quest It Belongs in a Museum. It can be completed via the duty finder and was part of the Patch 7.0 Expert Duty Roulette.
A guide for the level 100 trial in the Dawntrail main scenario quests. We've tried to cover up the spoilers here on the main page, but they're in plain view inside, be warned!
A guide for the level 100 dungeon in the Dawntrail main scenario quests. We've tried to cover up the spoilers here on the main page, but they're in plain view inside, be warned!
A guide for the level 99 trial in the Dawntrail main scenario quests. We've tried to cover up the spoilers here on the main page, but they're in plain view inside, be warned!
A guide for the level 99 dungeon in the Dawntrail main scenario quests. We've tried to cover up the spoilers here on the main page, but they're in plain view inside, be warned!
A guide for the level 97 dungeon in the Dawntrail main scenario quests. We've tried to cover up the spoilers here on the main page, but they're in plain view inside, be warned!
A guide for the level 95 dungeon in the Dawntrail main scenario quests. We've tried to cover up the spoilers here on the main page, but they're in plain view inside, be warned!
A guide for the level 93 trial in the Dawntrail main scenario quests. We've tried to cover up the spoilers here on the main page, but they're in plain view inside, be warned!
A guide for the level 93 dungeon in the Dawntrail main scenario quests. We've tried to cover up the spoilers here on the main page, but they're in plain view inside, be warned!
A guide for the level 91 dungeon in the Dawntrail main scenario quests. We've tried to cover up the spoilers here on the main page, but they're in plain view inside, be warned!
In May, coinciding with the Producer Letter Live LXXXI, Embody released version 2.2 of the Final Fantasy XIV Immerse Gamepack. As the title suggests, this is my second go-round at reviewing this extension, having checked out version 2.0 in June of 2023, which scored a 5/10. The majority of my run-down this time will be
The Producer Letter Live LXXXII(82) has at last come to herald the arrival of Dawntrail! Join the whole Aetheryte Radio crew as we run through the upcoming changes, some known and some a complete surprise!
Sly and Joon just the Aetheryte Radio crew as we talk about the Dawntrail Media Tour!
Last month, we were very generously invited to experience and explore a preview build of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail. Now it’s our privilege to share with you everything we’ve been able to learn and compile! In this overview, we’ve included some info on the graphical update, the Action Change menu, the Mute List, and the
At the beginning of the Media Tour all attendees were invited to submit questions for a brief Q&A that would take place at the end of the day. Read on for the answers given to the fortunate few! You can find more coverage of the Dawntrail Media Tour here.
Last month, we were invited to go hands-on with a preview build of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail during the North American Media Tour! Once they let us loose to explore, we were able to wind our way through the fabled (at least to us, for now) city of Tuliyollal, and then out into the two
During our time playing the preview build of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail at the North American Media Tour, we were able to delve into one of the upcoming expansion’s dungeons. We went in several times with trusts and kept our eyes peeled for any promising changes to the formula that has become the norm for
Last year at the 2023 North American Final Fantasy XIV Fan Fest in Las Vegas, we were told about a new addition coming to the dye system that had everyone cheering: a second dye channel. During the Dawntrail Media Tour, we were able to get hands-on with the new dye interface! You can also find