FFXIV Dawntrail Guide: Yuweyawata Field Station

19 Nov 2024

Yuweyawata Field Station is a Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Side Quest dungeon. It’s available at level 100 as part of the quest In Search of the Past. It can be completed via the duty finder and was part of the Patch 7.1 Expert Duty Roulette.

Spoiler warning: This guide contains information from the FFXIV Dawntrail Patch 7.1 Main Scenario!!!

Never be afraid to take a dungeon at your own pace, but for the purposes of this guide, we’re going to be speaking in terms of multiple group pulls.

Encounters 1 & 2

3 Electrogolem, 3 Forest Bat, & 1 Forest Woolback

  • Line Voltage – A wide, conal AoE aimed at a random player by the Electrogolem.
  • Sweeping Gouge – A conal AoE aimed at a random player by the Woolback.

Encounters 3 & 4

2 Electrogolem, 1 Forest Axe Beak, & 2 Forest Woolback

Lindblum Zaghnal

Get ready to dodge! Anyone else feeling festive for some reason…?

Phase 1

  • Electrical Overload – Raid-wide, AoE damage.
  • Gore (v1) – The boss really has an issue with the crystal on the sides of the arena. This attack only activates the crystal the boss strikes, so keep butt-punching away.
  • Caber Toss – It’s dodging time.
    • Nine, semi-random, thin, linear AoEs will project in a fan off of the gored crystal’s center point. A second and a third set of these fanned linears will appear in sequence, so dodge from safe spot to safe spot. Move quickly toward the nearest safe areas or you will not make it through doubled up linears, especially if you’re closer to the origin point of the AoEs.
    • Near the end of the cast for this mechanic, you’ll see an arrow projected in an arc through the air toward a spot on the ground. Get away from it. Fun fact: a “caber toss” involves holding a vertically aligned object at the bottom, then tossing it with the goal of it landing on the opposite end from the one you were holding. That’s what the Zaghnal’s about to do! So, again, get away from the spot on the ground.
    • As the caber crystal lands, it will start quickly shooting out completely random linears from its origin, some of which are wider than the previous sets. Move, move, move!
  • Lightning Storm – All players will be targeted with a circular AoE that will travel with them as they move. These appear during the last few AoEs from Caber Toss, but will only go off after the linears disappear, so don’t panic if you’re stacked with someone else while dodging Caber Toss, just spread out quickly once it’s over.
  • Gore (v2) – This time the boss will gore the ground and do an uncast attack of Sparking Fissure. This will do dungeon-wide damage, and summon up two Raw Electrope clusters. The boss will do this three times, for a total of six clusters. Healers should be mindful of the damage from the uncast Sparking Fissure strikes. You must kill each Electrope before it finishes its cast of Electrify or it explodes for raid-wide damage and apply a vulnerability up debuff. These can be a little hard to see by themselves, but the gauges above each cluster makes them easily identifiable and show you how much time you have left to take them out. While you’re killing the Electropes, there will be two waves of six random circular AoEs, so you’ll need to dodge those as well.
  • Sparking Fissure – Raid-wide, AoE damage. On its own, it’s not much trouble, but if you’ve gotten any vuln’ stacks from the previous mechanic, you may have a shockingly bad time. (Not sorry.)

Phase 2

  • Gore (v1)
  • Caber Toss
  • Lightning Storm
  • Electrical Overload
  • Lightning Storm
  • Phase 2 repeats 3 times, until all the crystal cabers on the field are gone.

Phase 3

  • Electrical Overload
  • Lightning Storm – As with the original version, all players will be marked with traveling AoE circles. Additionally, 6 ground circles will appear that must be avoided while spreading out.
  • Phase 3 repeats until the creature is dead, or you are.

Encounters 5 & 6

3 Rotten Hound, & 5 Rotten Researchers

There are research notes in the middle of this double-pull, so you may want to split it for new players, or give them time to go back and read them afterward.

Encounters 7 & 8

3 Rotten Researchers, 2 Giant Corse, & 4 Station Specter

There’s another set of research notes between these encounter sets.

  • Glass Punch – A conal AoE aimed at a random player by the Corse.
  • Catapult – A circular AoE aimed at a random player by the Corse.

Overseer Kanilokka


  • Dark Souls – A tank-buster.
  • Free Spirits (v1) – Raid-wide, AoE damage that also calls a ring of faint, floating spirits to the edge of the arena. These spirits create a donut of floor danger along the outside edge that apply a Heavy debuff until you can get out of the goo, as well as lasting, non-esunable, six-second Bleed and 30-second Damage Down debuffs. The spirits then swoop through the center of the arena in five, thin, random arcs of damage. They’ll execute these swoops a total of eight times (eight sets of five), and they don’t give you much time to move out of the arcs, so don’t wait to adjust into a safe spot.
  • Phantom Flood – The ring that the spirits made around the outside of the floor grows inward, leaving only a small circle of safety left in the center.
  • Dark II – Six, thin conals will evenly shoot from the boss, leaving six, small, open cones. About halfway through the cast, a second set of six conals will show up in those safe spaces. Wait for the first set to go off, then move into the spaces left behind before the second set of conals goes off. After the second set of conals goes off, either:
    • Both DPS and the Healer will be targeted with traveling, circular AoEs. Spread out enough to avoid each other, making sure to leave a safe area for your tank to stand.
    • Or, one player will be targeted with a stack marker. Stack!
  • Lost Hope – This applies a Temporary Misdirection debuff to all players; you’ll probably recognize this as the spinning white glove over your head that makes you run in whatever direction it’s pointing.
  • Necrohazard – As the boss begins casting this, three winding paths will appear in the red danger on the floor. While dealing with Temporary Misdirection, you’ll need to navigate these paths to the edges of the platform to avoid the proximity AoE damage that the boss is charging. And I do mean the edges. Failing to make it right to the edge will drastically increase the amount of damage you take from the proximity attack, and could outright kill you. Touching the red goo on the floor still applies everything that the original ring did. Yucky.
  • Bloodburst* – Raid-wide, AoE damage.
  • Free Spirits (v2) – This acts the same as the first version, except that you’ll also have two waves of targeted, traveling AoE circles to deal with while dodging the arcs. Spread out to the best of your abilities.
  • Dark II – The only different here is that you won’t be confined to the small, center circle.
  • Dark Souls
  • Bloodburst
  • Repeats from Bloodburst until defeat.

Encounters 9 & 10

3 Sprightly Mole, 1 Sprightly Stone, 2 Sprightly Loamkeep, & 1 Sprightly Phoebad

  • Plummet – A large, circular AoE centered on the Stone.
  • Landslip – A large, conal AoE aimed at a random player by the Phoebad.

Encounters 11 & 12

2 Sprightly Stone, 3 Sprightly Dhara, & 1 Sprightly Clay Golem

  • Wild Horn – A large, conal AoE aimed at a random player by the Clay Golem.


Get ready for a holey different experience. The edge of the arena

  • Raging Claw – A half-arena cleave in front of the boss. It goes off as the cast completes, with no ground AoE indicator until right before then, and hits several times.
  • Leporine Loaf – The boss slaps the ground and covers the edge of the arena in a layer of danger, then does one of two mechanics in a random order, followed by the other:
  1. Three orange arcs of arrows will appear through the air, with orange circles appearing at their origin points shortly after. Position yourself to avoid the initial circles and the ones that will eventually appear at the ends of the arrow arcs. These circles of pain are persistent for a short time and so they naturally do persistent damage if you step into them.
    • This mechanic then happens a second time, during which all players will be marked with traveling AoE circles, so try and spread while dodging the dirt circles. If you do get stuck next to someone while dodging, though, don’t fret. You’ll have a half-second after the ground circles disappear to spread out.
  2. Four curved lines will be projected from the center of the floor. Move to the largest gaps between the lines and make note of where the lines are. In a moment, another set of lines will fill in all the gaps. Circular AoEs will move out from the boss along the curved lines (ala Ruby Weapon), so when the first set of circles finish, step into one of those areas to avoid the second set of circles. Keep in mind that the circles may be wider in places than your average linear AoE.
    • For the most safety, and consequently closest range for this mechanic, stand in the largest gap to start, making note of the two lines closest to one another. Move into the safe space left by the side-by-side lines afterward.
    • This back-and-forth happens twice, then a single spiral draws out from the middle. Move away from the boss toward an edge, then back into its hitbox when the line of circles passes you. Be quick… like a rabbit!
  • Crater Carve – A circle of the ground under the boss will start to crack and light up with lava. Get out of it, or you’ll be in for a hole lot of trouble. Do not step back into the circle afterward.
  • Beastly Roar* – Proximity damage centered on the boss. Get to the opposite side of the arena. Carefully. Once the initial raid-wide damage goes off, a series of circular AoEs will explode along the edge of the arena, starting from the boss and traveling the circumference of the arena in the direction it was facing. The explosions will go the whole way around, so run toward the back of the boss as soon as the initial proximity damage hits. Getting hit by these throws you up in the air and applies a vuln’ stack.
  • Raging Claw – This works the same way as it did before, you’ll just need to get directly behind the boss.
    • All players will be marked with traveling, circular AoEs as the cleaves are going off. Spread out along the available safe space. You’ll also have time to spread further after the cleaves finish.
    • After the spread mechanic, one player will be marked with a stack mechanic.
  • Sonic Howl – Raid-wide, AoE damage.
  • Sonic Howl
  • Slabber – A tank-buster.
  • *Repeats from Beastly Roar until defeat.

Now you’ve got all the info you need to complete Yuweyawata Field Station!

Special thanks to Monte, Castus, Nyl, Myllor, and Claus for running this dungeon with me for footage!