Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Unlock Guide

2 Dec 2021

Now that the patch notes are out for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, we have an idea of where we can start our new adventures. Whether you’re looking to dive into the new story, try out the new jobs, or getting right into crafting and gathering, we’ve got you covered!

Please keep in mind that some of the links below (such a quests) may not lead to an existing page. We are actively working to get all of the new information into the Wiki. You can see everything for Patch 6.0 here.

Main Scenario Quests

Please note that names of quests on our Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Main Scenario Quests wiki page may provide spoilers.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker will see the conclusion of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark saga that began over ten years ago when the game first launched. There’s no doubt that many will want to start here.

Quest: The Next Ship to Sail
Location: Rising Stones (X:6.0 Y:5.9)
NPC: Alphinaud
Prerequisite: Disciple of War or Magic level 70, must have completed main scenario quest “Death Unto Dawn

New Jobs


The Garleans’ forebears were once humble farmers who made their home among the sun-drenched fields of southern Ilsabard. That was, until they were driven from this paradise by invaders wielding arcane magicks. Forced north into the frigid mountains, the survivors sought a means to tap into the reservoir of aether otherwise closed to them. A daring few found their answer within the void, binding themselves to its creatures to gain verboten power─power fed by the souls of the slain. Once more they took up their scythes, this time to reap a crimson harvest.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker website

Quest: The Killer Instinct
Location: Ul’dah – Steps of Nald (X:12.8 Y:8.6)
NPC: Flustered Attendant
Prerequisite: Disciple of War or Magic level 70


The nation of Sharlayan is the cradle of knowledge, and the Studium its foremost institution of learning. Yet more so than its incomparable library and formidable assemblage of Archons, this prestigious academy is famed for blending traditionally distinct fields to produce revolutionary new disciplines. Among these, perhaps the most distinguished is an altruistic art which draws upon the wisdom of aetherology, sorcery, and medicine. Dubbed somanoutics, the art seeks to heal and protect by manipulating corporeal aether through the use of nouliths, a flying array of foci. Practitioners are dedicated to the betterment of mankind, and for their wisdom and compassion, eventually came to be known simply as sages.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker website

Quest: Sage’s Path
Location: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:9.4 Y:12.9)
NPC: Sharlayan Maiden
Prerequisite: Disciple of War or Magic level 70

Role Quests

While the levels have not yet been revealed for these new role quests, nor do we know how far along in the Main Scenario Quests we’ll need to be in order to complete them, here are where you’ll be able to start them.

Tank (Paladin / Warrior / Dark Knight / Gunbreaker)

Quest: Shrouded in Peril
Location: Radz-at-Han (X:7.6 Y:9.7)
NPC: Gridanian Delegate
Prerequisite: Level unknown. Must progress to a certain point in the MSQ

Melee DPS (Monk / Dragoon / Ninja / Samurai / Reaper)

Quest: Storm Clouds Brewing
Location: Radz-at-Han (X:7.7 Y:9.6)
NPC: Limsa Lominsan Delegate
Prerequisite: Level unknown. Must progress to a certain point in the MSQ

Physical Ranged DPS (Bard / Machinist / Dancer)

Quest: Seeds of Disquiet
Location: Radz-at-Han (X:7.6 Y:9.4)
NPC: Doman Delegate
Prerequisite: Level unknown. Must progress to a certain point in the MSQ

Magical Ranged DPS (Black Mage / Summoner / Red Mage)

Quest: Our Aching Souls
Location: Radz-at-Han (X:7.8 Y:9.4)
NPC: Ishgardian Delegate
Prerequisite: Level unknown. Must progress to a certain point in the MSQ

Healer (White Mage / Scholar / Astrologian / Sage)

Quest: Far from Free
Location: Radz-at-Han (X:7.5 Y:9.6)
NPC: Ala Mhigan Delegate
Prerequisite: Level unknown. Must progress to a certain point in the MSQ

Studium Deliveries

Those looking to jump into crafting and gathering can do so by helping out the Studium in Old Sharlayan. Before you can do that however, you’ll need to complete the following quest:

Quest: The Faculty
Location: Old Sharlayan (X:4.0 Y:9.4)
NPC: Qih Aliapoh
Prerequisite: Disciple of the Hand or Land level 80. Players must progress to a certain point in the main scenario, and have completed the quest “Inscrutable Tastes

Once completed, crafters will be able to lend their aid to the depending on their profession of choice.

Faculty of Archaeology (Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith)

Quest: Professor Rurusha’s New Friend
Location: Old Sharlayan (X:4.2 Y:9.4)
NPC: Boric
Prerequisite: Blacksmith, Armorer, or Goldsmith level 80. Players must first complete the quest “The Faculty”

Faculty of Astronomy (Carpenter, Leatherworker, Weaver)

Quest: In Search of the Azure Star
Location: Old Sharlayan (X:4.1 Y:9.1)
NPC: Jude
Prerequisite: Level Carpenter, Leatherworker, or Weaver level 80. Players must first complete the quest “The Faculty”

Faculty of Medicine (Alchemist, Culinarian)

Quest: Perfectly Awful
Location: Old Sharlayan (X:4.2 Y:9.2)
NPC: Debroye
Prerequisite: Level Alchemist or Culinarian to level 80. Players must first complete the quest “The Faculty”

Faculty of Anthropology (Miner, Botanist)

Quest: Cultured Pursuits
Location: Old Sharlayan (X:4.0 Y:9.3)
NPC: Hinageshi
Prerequisite: Level Miner or Botanist to level 80. Players must first complete the quest “The Faculty”

Faculty of Aetherology (Fisher)

Quest: Fear the Thesis
Location: Old Sharlayan (X:4.2 Y:9.5)
NPC: T’laqa Tia
Prerequisite: Level Fisher to level 80. Players must first complete the quest “The Faculty”

Images courtesy of Square Enix.