Square Enix Lets Players Know What to Expect for Congestion Ahead of FFXIV: Endwalker Early Access

The last time we got to jump into a brand new expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, we praised it as the smoothest launch we had ever seen. As we approach the release of Endwalker later this week however, the concerns regarding server congestion remain, and are perhaps the biggest they’ve ever been.
Back in July, Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida wrote a letter to players addressing concerns over the increase of log-in queue times as the game saw more and more players registering. Yoshida even went as far to say that even if they wanted to pay more than market value for new server hardware, it just simply isn’t available at this time.
Square Enix has gone ahead and made a post on the Lodestone to let players know exactly what they’re doing to help alleviate any potential server issues so that players can get in and enjoy the expansion.
For those that have played during the launch of a Final Fantasy XIV expansion, some of these notes are the normal fair such as having different instances of the new areas to avoid congestion. Additionally, the automatic logout feature that would log out inactive players after 30 minutes has been updated, though specifics are unclear. The community is speculating that the changes may have removed methods that players previously used to avoid being logged out.
One of the biggest things players will encounter is undoubtedly the server queue. With Patch 5.57, Square Enix added a feature that allows players to log into a less crowded world on the same data center.
Make sure you read up on the full post here so you know what to expect when we throw wide the gates go to the moon later this week.