Welcome to the New Gamer Escape!

8 Nov 2021

Last month we gave you a first look at a brand new Gamer Escape. Today we’re excited to announce that those updates are now live!

All of us here at Gamer Escape are incredibly excited about the update, which is something that we’ve been hard at work on for more than a year. We’ve been wanting to update not only the look of the site, but also add new features that the community has been wanting to see for a long time. We’re excited that that we can finally bring these to you with our massive update today!

Consider these our patch notes:

Here’s everything that you’ll be able to experience with today’s site update:

  • Faster Site Speed
    We’ve gotten rid of a lot of code that wasn’t doing anyone any good anymore and streamlined what was needed. That should translate to a faster experience overall. Some of the wiki pages are still load intensive because of the large amount of data that needs to be pulled, but even those should be faster.
  • A Refreshed (and Mobile-Friendly) Layout
    Our news and review coverage has grown exponentially since we launched the site, and we think it deserves a face lift. The new homepage now shows off our coverage with a more modern, compact, and mobile-friendly look.
  • Dark Mode
    One of, if not the most requested feature, has been a dark mode. Look at the top-left of the site! See that little button? Click it. Now, click it again! Figure out which view suits your eyeballs best and every time you come back, the site will remember it.
  • Points, Rewards, and Leaderboards
    Now when you interact with the site, you’ll gain points. These points can unlock rewards! Earn points by using the site, liking articles, editing our wikis, and by connecting your social accounts. You can even earn 14-day Gamer Escape Plus+ memberships! You’ll be able to see monthly and lifetime rankings on our new leaderboard.
  • Single Sign-On
    After you create your Gamer Escape account, you can link your social media accounts (Twitter, Twitch, and Discord at launch) and then use them for an easy, single click, log-in. Remember the bullet point before this? You’ll also get points when you do this!

All users will be required to create a new account.

We’re making some big changes to the way accounts work behind the scenes. If you previously had an account to work on our wikis, we’re sorry, but we will need you to make a new account. In addition, in order to preserve your edit history, you will need to make sure that your new username matches that of your previous one.

  • Pokémon Unite Wiki
    We have a new wiki launching today for Pokémon Unite! You can check it out here!

Gamer Escape Plus+

Alright. This is a big one for us: Gamer Escape Plus+. For a long time, we’ve had users come up to us and say “I want to support the site, but, like, for real, those ads though!” We get it. Ads suck. We don’t like them either, but at the end of the day we need them to keep the lights on and help us do what we do. Because of this, we’ve made Gamer Escape Plus+ for those of you out there that want to support us while also avoiding the guilt that comes from using an ad-blocker. We see you– but also, we totally get it.

Gamer Escape Plus+ memberships cost $2.99/month or $29.99 a year and will directly support our efforts here on the site.

Those with a Gamer Escape Plus+ membership will have the following benefits:

  • Ad-free Viewing
    We get it. Ads suck. But we need them in order to pay for all the costs we have. If you decide to support us directly, we’ll make it so you don’t have to see those pesky ads when you’re browsing our site.
  • Redeem Points For Real, Actual Items
    In addition to earning the same points that non-members do, you’ll also earn Plus+ Points. Plus+ Points will allow you to claim items like stickers, mousepads and more!
  • A Fancy Gold Logo
    When browsing the site with a Gamer Escape Plus+ account, you’ll get a fancy gold version of our new logo!

You can sign up for Gamer Escape Plus+ here.

Future Development

Today’s update, while an incredibly huge milestone for us, is still only the first step. We’re continuing to work on even more things behind the scenes. Here’s a quick list of things that we’ll be continuing to work on as we go forward.

  • Further Dark Mode Adjustments
    We will be making adjustments to our wikis so that Dark Mode works even better than it does now!
  • Further Display Adjustments
    We’ll be fine tuning the way that certain elements are displayed on the site.
  • More Ways to Earn Points
    We have plans to allow users to earn points for leaving comments on our written articles and for chatting on our Discord server.
  • More Gamer Escape Plus+ Perks
    We’re planning to give members access to a special role and channel on our Discord server.
  • Merchandise Shop
    If you love our new mascot as much as we do, you’ll have the option to buy some brand new Gamer Escape merchandise. We’re busy tidying up the shop behind the scenes and hope to have it ready soon!

Known Issues

  • Display issues for the Pokémon Unite wiki.
  • An issue where some text doesn’t display properly when dark mode is enabled and other various text display issues.
  • Gold icon not displaying on lifetime leaderboard for those that are a Gamer Escape Plus+ member.

Reporting Issues

We’re hoping that this new site doesn’t have any issues. However, even after some intense QA, things can slip through the cracks. If you notice any issues with the website we would greatly appreciate it if you let us know about it via one of the following methods:

We hope that you enjoy everything that we’ve been able to release today. For those of you who frequent the site, we’d be appreciative if you would consider becoming a Gamer Escape Plus+ member. Subscriptions currently include a 7 day free trial so that you can check things out before billing occurs.

We want to thank each and every one of you who have been coming to the site, in all of its forms, over the last 17 years. We can’t wait to see what the future has in store and we can’t wait to experience it together with all of you.