Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXI Summary

27 Nov 2020

This morning, Final Fantasy XIV Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida gave us Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXI, our second look at what to expect with Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers patch 5.4 Futures Rewritten.

You can find our summary of the previous live letter, the first for patch 5.4 here. A lot of the information was recapped, so we’ve only included the newer information in this summary.

The patch, (pending any game breaking discoveries during testing) is currently scheduled to arrive on December 8. As a friendly reminder, the currently active Yo-kai Watch event, will end upon the release of this patch.

The Sorrow of Werlyt

The next step in the Weapon based storyline will lead us into a trial taking place in Castrum Mirinum, which is located near the fan-favorite trial of Cape Westwind.

Matoya’s Relict

We’ve also gotten a few more images showing us what to expect when we dive into the next dungeon, Matoya’s Relict.

Eden’s Promise

A closer look at the upcoming third, and final raid tier for Eden, Eden’s Promise, shows us the foes that we’ll be going up against, including the other form of the Cloud of Darkness!

Unreal Trials

To no one’s surprise, the next Unreal Trial coming with patch 5.4 will be The Navel, letting players relieve the horrific memories of facing Titan.

Blue Mage

Blue Mage will see another update, including a level cap increase form 60 to 70, as well as new spells and exclusive gear. New duties will also be added to the Blue Mage log.


It’s rare these days to see a Live Letter go into some detail regarding upcoming job changes. However, with patch 5.4, Monk will be seeing some bigger changes.

  • Greased Lightning has been changed from a status effect to a trait.
    • No longer increases damage dealt. As a result, action potencies and effects have been adjusted
  • The effects of actions that maintained of consumed stacks of Greased Lightning have been adjusted.
    • Form Shift: Grants “Formless Fist” status, allowing execution of actions regardless of form.
    • Tornado Kick: Can now be used at any time. Potency/recast time adjusted.
    • Six-sided Star: Now increases movement speed for a short duration

Save the Queen

With patch 5.45, we’ll see the next addition to the Save the Queen questline.

  • New large-scale duty, Delubrum Reginae
    • Normal: 24 players, no role requirements for matching.
    • Savage: 48 players, players must form parties before entering.

Delubrum Reginae will be accessible by speaking to an NPC in Gangos. The normal version of this activity will be required to complete story quests.

  • Players cannot change jobs during this duty.
  • A lost finds cache will be available at the entrance of the duty.
  • Lost actions and gear with effects limited to Bozja, such as those obtained in the Bozjan southern front, can be used.
  • Each player will receive rewards from treasure coffers.
  • Certain actions used to revive players are restricted in the savage version.

Resistance Weapon Upgrades

Upon completing all of the included patch 5.45 quests, players will be able to continue upgrading their resistance weapons with two new upgrade stages. During the second of these, players will be able to customize the secondary attributes of their weapon.

Final Fantasy XIV Announcement Showcase

Due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, Square Enix has had to cancel all three of their previously planned FFXIV Fan Festival events for 2020-2021. In fact, the first of these was scheduled to take place earlier this month where we would have gotten our first look at the upcoming expansion.

In order to make up for these cancelled events, the team will be dedicated the first part of their upcoming 14-hour broadcast for new announcements.

The Final Fantasy XIV Announcement Showcase will take place on Friday, February 5, 2021, at 5:30 PM PST and will include live interpretation from Japanese to English.

The 14-hour broadcast, which is usually used as an anniversary celebration of the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, will take place the same day, beginning at 5:00 PM before getting into the announcement showcase