The July Update for FFXI Arrives- Announces Timing For New Scenario

9 Jul 2020

Yesterday, the July version update arrived for Final Fantasy XI. Along with this update, Producer Akihiko Matsui and Director Yoji Fujito released another Final Fantasy XI Digest video to discuss the changes with the update.

This month’s update includes a new category for Odyssey, an update to Abuscade, and changes to Paladin. You can read the full notes on the update here.

Towards the end of the video, we received more information about the new scenario that was announced back in March.

We’re working on having it ready by next month’s version update, in August. The story may not be as large in scale as a mission, but it’s still relatively large.

The scenario is currently intended to be implemented during next month’s version update and seems to be not large, but not small either.

Featured image courtesy of Square Enix